For interference screws, the same technological drivers are present: metal screws can complicate revision surgeries and disrupt MRI scans [8], and bioabsorbables suffer
from inflammatory and strength limitations [8,9].

PEEK avoids stress shielding as its stiffness nearly matches that of healthy cortical
bone. PEEK implants are also resistant to heat and ionizing radiation, minimizing concerns with thermal conduction near the brain and toxicity. PEEK can be sterilized repeatedly by steam and gamma irradiation [10]. Finally, PEEK also facilitates critical postoperative diagnostic monitoring of oncologic and neurogical patients, because it is translucent to X-rays and is nonmagnetic, generating no artifacts in CT or MRI [10].


For interference screws, the same technological drivers are present: metal screws can complicate revision surgeries and disrupt MRI scans [8], and bioabsorbables suffer
from inflammatory and strength limitations [8,9].

The emphasis is on the needs and requirements of the IHBs and endowing them to be the architect of their dream homes. As the world is grappling with a pandemic forcing everyone to be at home; providing intelligent, inclusive and strategic solutions to consumers within the comfort of their homes is what is offered by this company.